Symphonic Journey of Shankar Jaikishan


Shankar Jaikishan (SJ) made a tumultuous debut, with a blockbuster hit Barsat, in 1949. They were young, did not belong to the elite strata of society. Their only capital was their infinite talent and burning desire. Their journey from Barsat to Gouri in 1989 was a sustained uphill journey. They broke all records of record sales and box office collections.

At one point in their career, SJ was synonymous with Silver Jubilee. Forty jubilee hits, with Barsat running for 100 plus weeks. They won nine Filmfare Awards and nominated almost every year, 1959 to 1974. This book covers their arduous journey of matchless success on a path of thorns.

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Dr. Dattatreya Pujari, Dr. Geetha Pujari

Reading Period

14 Days

ISBN: 978-1647339500


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