Business & Economics

Showing 1–30 of 211 results

Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively
Pages: 288
Authors: Reid Hoffman
Authors: Chris Yeh
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Yes Man: The Untold Story of Rana Kapoor
Pages: 240
Authors: Pavan C Lall
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Story of Disney
Pages: 72
Authors: Valerie Bodden
Reading Period: 7 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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How Democracies Die
Pages: 320
Authors: Steven Levitsky
Authors: Daniel Ziblatt
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide to the World’s Most Powerful Production System
Pages: 249
Authors: Pascal Dennis
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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How I Quit Google To Sell Samosas
Pages: 232
Authors: Munaf Kapadia
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Right between the ears: How to Use Brain Science to Build Epic Brands
Pages: 256
Authors: Sandeep Dayal
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Banker Who Crushed His Diamonds: The Yes Bank Story
Pages: 210
Authors: Furquan Moharkan
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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In Service of the Republic: The Art and Science of Economic Policy
Pages: 448
Authors: Dr Vijay Kelkar
Authors: Dr Ajay Shah
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos And The Age Of Amazon
Pages: 464
Authors: Brad Stone
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Shapers of Business Institutions: How Deepak Parekh Grew HDFC Group Exponentially
Pages: 160
Authors: R. Gopalakrishnan
Authors: Vidyut Lata Dhir
Reading Period: 7 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Copycat Marketing 101
Pages: 128
Authors: Burke Hedges
Reading Period: 7 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Pages: 432
Authors: Richard H Thaler
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Flawed: The Rise and Fall of India’s Diamond Mogul Nirav Modi
Pages: 240
Authors: Pawan C. Lall
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Dirty Rotten CEOs
Pages: 294
Authors: William G. Flanagan
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Thinking, Fast and Slow
Pages: 512
Authors: Daniel Kahneman
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Great Indian Fraud: Serious Frauds Which Shook the Economy
Pages: 324
Authors: Smarak Swain
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About The World – And Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Pages: 352
Authors: Hans Rosling
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Wealth Of Nations
Pages: 1144
Authors: Adam Smith
Reading Period: 35 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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What You Do Is Who You Are : How to Create Your Business Culture
Pages: 304
Authors: Ben Horowitz
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Jack Ma: Success Secrets
Pages: 52
Authors: George Ilian
Reading Period: 7 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t
Pages: 320
Authors: Jim Collins
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The New Rules of Business: Get Ahead or Get Left Behind
Pages: 352
Authors: Rajesh Srivastava
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Gurus of Chaos: Modern India’s Money Masters
Pages: 232
Authors: Saurabh Mukherjea
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Bottle of Lies : Ranbaxy and the Dark Side of Indian Pharma
Pages: 512
Authors: Katherine Eban
Reading Period: 21 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success is (Mostly) Wrong
Pages: 320
Authors: Eric Barker
Reading Period: 14 Days
Rent: ₹100.00
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The Story of Apple
Pages: 72
Authors: Sara Gilbert
Reading Period: 7 Days
Rent: ₹100.00