Book deatil
Pages | 248 |
Authors | Cyrus Mistry |
Reading Period | 14 Days |
ISBN: | 978-9382277354 |
Category | Literature & Fiction |
Publisher: | Aleph Book Company |
At the very edge of its many in?ter?lock?ing worlds, the city of Bom?bay con?ceals a near in?vis?i?ble com?mu?ni?ty of Parsi corpse bear?ers, whose job it is to carry bod?ies of the de?ceased to the Tow?ers of Si?lence. Seg?re?gat?ed and shunned from so?ci?ety, often wretched?ly poor, theirs is a lot that no?body would will?ing?ly es?pouse. Yet thats ex?act?ly what Phi?roze Elchi?dana, son of a revered Parsi priest, does when he falls in love with Sepi?deh, the daugh?ter of an aging corpse bear?er… De?rived from a true story, Cyrus Mis?try s ex?traor?di?nary new novel is a mov?ing ac?count of trag?ic love that, at the same time, brings to vivid and un?for?get?table life the degra?da?tion ex?pe?ri?enced by those who in?hab?it the un?for?giv?ing mar?gins of his?to?ry.
Pages | 248 |
Authors | Cyrus Mistry |
Reading Period | 14 Days |
ISBN: | 978-9382277354 |
Category | Literature & Fiction |
Publisher: | Aleph Book Company |
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