Tales from My Heart


Miss Kellner has a tin of biscuits that fascinates little Ruskin. And granny’s cat is just so full of attitude. Oh, and have you heard about the famous playback singer from Mumbai who sang for the ghost of the maestro Tansen?

Ruskin Bond’s charming life has been anything but ordinary. In this wonderful collection, he scours through his memories to come away with tales that celebrate life, its myriad splendours and many lessons; spectacular wonders of nature; stories of ghosts; and the surprising friendships between animals and people. Tales From My Heart, written in Bond’s inimitable style, is peppered with his trademark warmth and wit. Vividly illustrated by Sumouli Dutta, this is a gift for all readers, big and small-a family treasure to return to with joy and affection over the years.

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Ruskin Bond

Reading Period

7 Days

ISBN: 978-9390679560