The Four Sacred Secrets: For Love and Prosperity, A Guide to Living in a Beautiful State


In the bestselling tradition of The Four Agreements, learn how to access the hidden power of consciousness, shed anxiety, and cultivate a life of wealth and happiness.

By the founders of the revolutionary O&O Academy The Four Sacred Secrets combines proven scientific approaches with ancient spiritual practices to take you on a journey that will open your mind to an extraordinary destiny.

The easy-to-follow meditations included in this book will transform your experience of reality and open you to the power of creating a beautiful life for yourself.

Including ancient fables and modern stories that will speak intimately to your heart, this life-transforming book fuses the transcendental and the scientific, the mystical and the practical, to guide you to consciously create wealth, heal your heart, awaken yourself to love, and help you to make peace with your true self.

The Four Sacred Secrets will cast its spell on you from the first page and guide you to life in a beautiful state.

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Preethaji, Kishanji

Reading Period

14 Days

ISBN: 978-1846046315


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