The World Outside My Window


When you have some time to spare, make a list of all the different insects that you can name. Imagine you knew the name of every kind of insect in India or even in the world. If you were to write them all down, it would take you at least a month, without stopping to sleep or eat, to complete your list.’

In this delightful little book, Ruskin Bond writes about some of the most interesting insects, birds, trees and flowers he has observed. As a person with a deep and abiding connection with all things natural, he brings keen observation and delightful details into his pieces. From the butterfly, dragonfly, scorpion and ant lion to different varieties of cacti, semul trees, the jasmine flower and the wild flowers found in the Himalayan region, as well as birds of the hills and urban areas like Delhi, Bond describes them all. This book is a handy guide for anyone who is interested in exploring the natural world as well as all those who love reading about nature.

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Ruskin Bond

Reading Period

7 Days

ISBN: 978-8129141798